About Iris Melcher

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So far Iris Melcher has created 192 blog entries.

UPRT Advanced close up


What is going on in the Extra 330 LX during UPRT Advanced? Watch Pierre while he is coping with all the tasks of our Flight Instructor Norbert. All professional pilots (ATPL, CPL) must participate in

UPRT Advanced close up2020-09-12T10:25:10+01:00

UPRT Advanced was thrilling


Alex liked the UPRT Training (Adv. UPRT FCL.745.A) with Spins & More a lot: "This was fun, I enjoyed myself. And now I am looking forward to some Extra-Flying", Alex said after his course. The

UPRT Advanced was thrilling2020-07-23T14:40:00+01:00

The Power of Cessna SET


Nils Milleit (left) just finished his Cessna Set Class with Spins & More (FI Norbert Hundsberger, right) and Exit GmbH, Eggenfelden. Nils will fly the checkride on a Cessna Soloy as well and plans to

The Power of Cessna SET2020-07-23T14:26:43+01:00

Aerobatics – YEAH


Spins & More welcomes you every month for 1 week of special flight training. Next chances for Aerobatics and UPRT are from August 4 - 9, 2020, in Czech Republic. Join us! If interested: Email

Aerobatics – YEAH2020-07-04T11:00:04+01:00

Acro-Rating checked


"This was a very good and very special experience", said Raphael (left on our Pic with Thomas) after completing his aerobatics rating with Spins & More. The professional pilot wanted to find out about loops

Acro-Rating checked2020-07-04T10:43:15+01:00

Cessna SET checked


Jürgen Adolph (left) knows the Cessna Soloy of Exit GmbH very well now. In May he finished the Cessna SET Rating did the Checkride with Examiner Wolfgang Obermair. Congrats! Spins & More offers Cessna SET

Cessna SET checked2020-06-10T08:39:00+01:00

Acro Rating checked


Congrats to Sophie Schackert! She started with our UPRT Scholarship and finished as Aerobatics Pilot. "I am flashed", Sophie commented after the checkride with FI Alex Spoerl in EDME. Probably this was a result of

Acro Rating checked2020-06-03T09:37:15+01:00

Joyful learning


Philipp liked the flights with our Extra 330 LX very much: "The Extra did not react as mean as I thought it would. Actually it was a good-natured aircraft for Advanced UPRT", Philipp told us

Joyful learning2020-05-26T16:21:55+01:00

Feeling Extra good


Krissi did a good job. She finished the Advanced UPRT Training FCl. 745A with Spins & More and enjoyed the possibility, to fly the Extra 330 LX. After 5 hrs of online theory, all UPRT

Feeling Extra good2020-05-26T16:24:52+01:00

Advanced UPRT is checked


Wolfram Schmiderer from Salzburg finished the Adv. UPRT Training with Spins & More. "I like the Extra, but it will take a while until my body will do the same", told us Wolfram after 4

Advanced UPRT is checked2020-05-26T16:25:50+01:00
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