Let it snow
Iris Melcher2021-03-18T10:23:24+01:00We are always ready for you. Even in March, when instead of blue skies some snowflakes turn up. The sunshine waits behind the clouds and we start aerobatics training.
We are always ready for you. Even in March, when instead of blue skies some snowflakes turn up. The sunshine waits behind the clouds and we start aerobatics training.
Spins & More returns to Vilshofen in Bavaria for some basic aerobatics and UPRT Training. Join us for flights on the Super Decathlon or the Extra 330 LX. We also offer thrillrides and joyrides, so
We will do some Loopings, Half-Cuban-Eights and inverted Flight in our aerobatic box "Kobernaußerwald" soon. Join us for the spring aerobatics training in LOWS from April 15 - 17, 2021. For more infos please send
4 UPRT Flight Instructors from AAA in LOAN did their refresher training acc. FCL. 915 (e) with Spins & More. After an online discussion with FI Stefan Greiler all pilots enjoyed a special flight in
Spins & More is partner of GAviators in Berlin Schönhagen. Here Fabio successfully finished his Private Pilot Licence. Congratulations - also from Holger Keil (right), who did the skill test with Fabio. Always happy landings!
Congrats to Richard! He was fast in getting his Aerobatics Rating this fall. "I am crazy about the Extra, this is a fun aircraft to fly with", Richard said about his training experience. Well done!
Dorian (right) went on a long trip from Croatia to Hosin, CZ in order to do the UPRT Advanced Training with Spins & More. What will he keep in mind from the UPRT? "Everything -
Felix was our first trainee who flew all aerobatic lessons in the Extra 330LX. "What a blast", he said about the experience in the high end aerobatics trainer. Congrats & always happy landings!
Hartmut "Mutz" Fadinger checked the Aerobatics Rating in the fast lane. He likes the Super Decathlon and did another Aerobatics Flight the day after his Acro Checkride. Happy landings!
We like autumn flights. Join us at LKHS, CZ, for aerobatics, UPRT and taildragger training. If you need more infos please send an Email to info@spinsandmore.at