About Iris Melcher

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So far Iris Melcher has created 192 blog entries.

Summer Training at LKHS Airfield


In July 2022 we will organize 2 aerobatic training camps at Hosin Airfield, close to Budweis in the Czech Republic. LKHS is a great training area for aerobatics since we are allowed to fly over

Summer Training at LKHS Airfield2022-05-30T09:00:40+01:00

Aerobatics at Hosin


Join us for some loops, hammerheads, and rolls at Hosin Airfield in the Czech Republic. In June we will be at LKHS from June 21 - to June 25. We invited our CIVA Coach Steff

Aerobatics at Hosin2022-05-30T08:55:44+01:00

Acro Camp with Coach


Get some detailed feedback for your aerobatics flights! We offer you a special training camp with aerobatics coach Steff Hau (CIVA judge) at Hosin, CZ. There you will receive individually designed programs and feedback for

Acro Camp with Coach2022-04-03T11:51:03+01:00

Aerobatics Rating checked


He likes to fly and he did the Aerobatics Rating with a lot of enthusiasm. So after 12 lessons including the Checkride Matthias can call himself an "aerobatics pilot" now. Congratulations and always happy landings!

Aerobatics Rating checked2022-04-03T11:47:18+01:00

Emergency Rules – the core


There are many pieces of information in every POH about emergency rules. But what if it happens in real life? Are you tough enough to keep calm and do the right thing? We offer a

Emergency Rules – the core2022-04-03T11:58:43+01:00

First “WOW”, then “FUN”


"When you first experience an Upset Situation, you are quite shocked", stated Daniel after his Advanced UPRT Training. "But the second lesson is easier, cause you are able to react accordingly", said the pilot from

First “WOW”, then “FUN”2022-03-27T11:09:22+01:00

We are ready when you are


Despite the heavy winter & stormy days, we are looking for sunny slots to do some aerobatics & UPRT Training. In February please contact us for individual training via Email (info@spinsandmore.at). In March we will

We are ready when you are2022-01-31T11:36:02+01:00

Let’s get started – 2022


What are your goals as a pilot in 2022? Why don't start the season with some Spin-Training? We offer basic UPRT - Upset Prevention & Recovery Training as well as a complete aerobatics rating. Check

Let’s get started – 20222022-01-28T09:08:31+01:00

DA40 ready for takeoff


Our DA40 (D-EROE) is waiting for you at LOWS. In case you do some winter flights please cover the aircraft completely after flying. This will help the next pilot to get an earlier takeoff instead

DA40 ready for takeoff2022-01-10T13:54:15+01:00

Let’s go South!


We are ready whenever you are! Choose your favorite destination and give us a call - VOLEA will take care of your plans and fly to all the places you love. Even the tiny little

Let’s go South!2021-12-20T09:55:15+01:00
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